The X-Band High-Gain Antenna of the Perseverance Mars Rover communicates directly with the Deep Space Network on Earth. Its signal is focused as a beam so as to allow higher data rates and therefore, the antenna should point its radio beam toward Earth. Its 2 degrees of freedom mechanical steering system (two-axis gimbal) grants a low energy-cost way to change the antenna’s pose rather than change the direction and position of the entire Perseverance Mars Rover. One motor of the steering system rotates the antenna horizontally and the other one rotates it up or down.
The X-Band High-Gain Antenna of the Perseverance Mars Rover is mounted mid-aft portside of the rover’s deck.
The X-Band High-Gain Antenna of our 1:2 Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Replica has the exact same mechanical structure as that of the Perseverance Mars Rover on the Red Planet. The gimbal structure of our 1:2 Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Replica can point and even track a simulating target (e.g. an Earth photo). I will explain more about it in my future posts.
Here are two screenshots of the X-Band High-Gain Antenna of our 1:2 Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Replica.