In the rear of the Perseverance Mars Rover, as its predecessor the Curiosity Mars Rover, there is a very eye-catching big ‘package’ slanted. This part called a “Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator” (MMRTG), powers the Perseverance Mars Rover by converting heat from the natural radioactive decay of Plutonium into electricity. The MMRTG also charges two lithium-ion rechargeable batteries to meet peak demands of the Perseverance Mars Rover’s activities when the demand temporarily exceeds the MMRTG’s steady electrical output levels. Furthermore, MMRTG also provides heat to keep the scientific instruments in the Perseverance Mars Rover’s body at their correct working temperature.
The MMRTG of our 1:2 Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Replica has the exact visual presentation of the real Perseverance Mars Rover on the Red Planet. But please rest assured that there is any radioisotope inside the MMRTG of our 1:2 Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Replica. Our 1:2 Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Replica is powered by a set of rechargeable batteries.