The suspension system of the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover is one of its most interesting structures. It uses mechanical leverage to spread the weight of the rover to each of the Perseverance Rover’s wheels relatively equally. This ingenious structure also minimizes the tilt of the Perseverance Rover when it drives over uneven terrain.
Among the three components,
“Differential-Rocker-Bogie”, of the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover’s suspension system, the most strategic one is the differential. Without it, the weight cannot pass to the other side forcefully. Therefore, in some situations, the three wheels on one side have to bear a major proportion of the weight of the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover. While with the “Differential”, the burden is shared on both sides forcefully.
While the connections of all the joints of the “Differential-Rocker-Bogie” suspension system are purely mechanical, the steering of the two front wheels and two rear wheels are realized by motors. This arrangement allows the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover to turn a full 360 degrees in place. Also, there is a driving motor for each of the six wheels at the terminals of the suspension structure.
Since we are building our 1:2 Mars Perseverance Rover Replica as a moveable and motorized replica, all the mechanical structures of the suspension system must be made exactly the same as the real Mars rover. And meanwhile, the structure must be strong enough to withstand the weight of the Mars Rover Perseverance replica. The steering motors and driving motors of our 1:2 Mars Perseverance Rover replica allows it to steer and drive exactly the same as the real Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover.